Monday, October 24, 2011

Leftover insanity.

Today's lunch comes from Alyson Wise, a very wise lunch eater indeed. Well DONE Alyson, my child.

Homemade chili with steak, duck risotto, carrot salad, sweet potato cupcake with maple butter-cream frosting

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A series of oranges.

milk, grilled cheese, sourdough, spinach, tomato soup, carrots, hummus

Rainy day meal

edimame, apples, pasta, chick peas, corn, lemon, olive oil, salt and pep
speculoos with my apples!

Friday, October 7, 2011

This just happened.

Thanks to my roommie being in wedding-land this weekend and thus bequeathing some bacon unto me, I was able to make this happen today. Food is good people. Food. Is. Good.

wheat bread, bacon, pepper jack cheese, hummus, edimame, pistachios